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Fear Must Not Win:

Finding Peace, Confidence, and Courage in Challenging Times

The world is full of things to fear—disease, war, economic instability, devasting weather events, personal tragedies, and more—and people are living afraid with what seems like no way out. Bishop Mark Steven Filkey, however, offers a deep understanding of fear and how to defeat its insidious tendrils with God’s strength.

“Perhaps you’re facing what appears to be an impossible test or challenge, and it is provoking feelings of anxiety or dread within you. Or maybe you just need to conquer fear itself,” he says in Fear Must Not Win: Finding Peace, Confidence, and Courage in Challenging Times. “Here is the good news: you can do it! You can be equipped to stand against and defeat every challenging giant that threatens to break you and steal your God-given dreams and destiny.”

Filkey, founder and senior pastor of WestCoast World Outreach Church in Stockton, California, offers readers a thorough look at how to confront our fears, sources of fear, and principles for fearfree living. He addresses irrational fears, trauma-based fear, and entrenched fears, as well as
encourages readers to stand strong in the confidence, strength, and power of God.

In This Book By Mark Steven Filkey, Learn…

  • How to find peace amid the frightening things happening in the world today.
  • The three kinds of fear we can experience.
  • How new technology has enhanced your life’s fear levels, and what you can do to prevent it.
  • About the sources of fear and where it comes from.
  • How to overcome trauma-induced fear
  • The key biblical principles to help us become free of fear.
  • How prayer is “an ongoing interaction between God and an individual.
  • The ten main principles for living free of fear.
  • How to develop the determined commitment required to defeat fear.
  • How to overcome fear in your own life.

"No matter how small or weak you might feel, the God who lives within you is more powerful than any obstacle in your way or any enemy that dares to come against you. It is on this truth that you can base your courage."

About the Author, Mark Steven Filkey

Bishop Mark Filkey is one of those rare authors who addresses difficult life issues in a practical format while offering profound and relevant insights into how to overcome them. Fear Must Not Win fully deals with fear: it defines it, exposes it, confronts it, and offers us truths to rise above it. Bishop Filkey identifies the origins of people’s fear and anxiety and provides real answers. This book is therapy on paper. Thank you, Bishop, for not sidestepping topics that must be addressed. Fear Must Not Win is a must-read for those who desire to overcome fear. It’s also a tremendous resource for pastors, parents, and leaders who are helping others to overcome it. Fear must not win!

See What Others Are Saying About "Fear Must Not Win"

The Covid-19 pandemic revealed just how much fear can grip the world. From the lowest
to the highest levels of society, we saw an entire generation paralyzed. But now Mark
Filkey has provided a roadmap to show us the way out of fear. His book is important not
only for this moment in our culture but also beyond. Mark is exactly right that Fear Must
Not Win—especially when it comes to Christian believers. If you’ve struggled with fear at
any level, this book is for you. Win back the confidence that God has provided for us and
step back out with the courage to change the world.

Pastor Phil Cook

In his latest literary installment, Bishop Mark Filkey tackles what I’m convinced is the greatestenemy we all face: FEAR. The primary theme threaded throughout the pages of Fear Must Not Win is how to deconstruct and destroy the fears in your life that are holding you back from your very best self. With delightful and thoughtful prose, Bishop Filkey coalesces rich theology, powerful revelation, and practical experiences to help the reader form strategies to fight back against fear. Fear must not win, and this marvelous read will show you how to make fear lose forever.

Pastor Jason Sides

Bishop Mark Filkey is one of those rare authors who addresses difficult life issues in a practical format while offering profound and relevant insights into how to overcome them. Fear Must Not Win fully deals with fear: it defines it, exposes it, confronts it, and offers us truths to rise above it. Bishop Filkey identifies the origins of people’s fear and anxiety and provides real answers. This book is therapy on paper. Thank you, Bishop, for not sidestepping topics that must be addressed. Fear Must Not Win is a must-read for those who desire to overcome fear. It’s also a tremendous resource for pastors, parents, and leaders who are helping others to overcome it. Fear must not win!

Bishop Gary McIntosh

Far too often, the church in America is only like a visitor center. It’s safe, it’s warm, and it’s comfortable. But we’re missing the power of Jesus, the presence of Jesus, and the excitement of following Jesus because we’re playing it safe! The American “trinity” is comfort, pleasure, and success. And one of our biggest idols is safety. Consequently, we don’t want to talk about or face our fears. Preachers often ask, “If you died tonight, do you know where you’re going?” I think Jesus would ask a different question: “What if you don’t die tonight—how are you going to live tomorrow?” In Fear Must Not Win, Pastor Mark Filkey does a brilliant job of addressing these issues, helping believers to escape the prison of fear and walk in their God-given victory. Read this book and let Pastor Mark help you beat—defeat—the scared inside you!

Pastor Rick Godwin






Life’s challenges are real, not imaginary battles. There should be no doubt in our minds that Satan will attempt to strike fear in our hearts with every test he throws our way… fear loses its power when we stand in the confidence of God’s presence and preserving power.

Mark Filkey uses stories—from his own life and the lives of others—illustrations and biblical truths to outline a strategy for defeating fear. His final advice is to have a determined commitment to overcome and defeat fear.

In His NEW book he offers hope in a fear-filled world for a life undefeated by